What is the effect after vaccination?
Do I have enough antibodies after two doses of the vaccine?
How long can the resistance last after the antibody is produced?
What should I do if I don't have antibodies?
How does the immunity change after the vaccination?
What should I do if I encounter COVID19 again next year?
Do I still have resistance to the variant virus?
Apart from antibodies, what cells can help me?
Do I need another vaccination?
Do I have enough resistance after getting a combination of vaccines?
What is the best vaccination for the elderly?
I have only had one vaccination and I am afraid of having no resistance!
Will there be any allergy after the vaccination?
I am a special group, how can I take care of myself after the vaccination?
How long does it take to return to the clinic after the vaccination?
What should I do if I have weakness and fever?
What should I do if I feel very uncomfortable?
What should I do if I experience rare side effects?
Inspection Features : PVI002
The world's most complete vaccination testing system
Fast and effective analysis of vaccine efficacy and immune system status
The world's most advanced cellular analysis technology
available for post-vaccination health assessment or preventive immune system assessment
provide vaccine evaluation for suspected allergies vaccine studies for long term allergies
provide vaccine response assessment for autoimmune diseases
assessment of immune system status for rare vaccine side effects
to monitor the ongoing effects of vaccines or drugs on the immune system
provide clinician judgment of vaccination results
Provide rapid reports in 3-5 working days
Evaluation of Antibody Production Status
Evaluation of antibodies' memory capacity
Role of natural killer cells
Natural killer cells
Role of T cells
Evaluation of T-cell resistance
Evaluation of total post-vaccine effect