The symptoms of Estrogen deficiency

Estrogen is one of the most important female hormones. When the estrogen in the body drops below a certain value, it is called estrogen deficiency.

This condition often occurs in women after menopause; however, due to the recent dramatic changes in the living environment, women often experience estrogen deficiency before menopause.

However, due to recent changes in the living environment, women often suffer from estrogen deficiency before menopause.

As a result, women's menstrual periods become chaotic and unpredictable.

More and more reports show that many women stop menstruating around the age of forty, which also causes women to be more prone to diseases such as heart disease.

We have developed a series of preventive and therapeutic methods especially for this type of disease:

Causes of estrogen deficiency: 

1 Eating Disorders 7 Thyroid malfunction
2 Heavy metal injuries 8 Genetic disorders
3 Excessive exercise 9 Estrogen production enzyme
4 Pituitary disorders 10 Testicular damage
5 Low body fat 11 Testicular deficiency
6 Menopause 12 Drug effects

The symptoms of Estrogen deficiency 


  1. depression

  2. anxiety

  3. insomnia

  4. hot flashes

  5. night sweats

  6.  headache / migraine

  7. unstable mood

  8. easily fatigued

  9.  Rapid heartbeat

  10. decreased sexual desire

  11. loss of concentration

  12.  memory loss

  13. pain in the back and joints

  14. dry eyes, skin, vagina

  15.  Vaginal tract and bladder infections easily

  16. Easily feel pain during sexual intercourse

Diseases caused by Estrogen deficiency 

1 Pre-operative syndrome This syndrome includes both physical and psychological problems. Arms and legs may become edematous, along with symptoms of depression, irritability, anxiety, changeability, and chest tightness.
2 Can't Ovulation Insufficient estrogen can cause non-ovulation or inability to ovulate, mainly due to the loss of ovarian function or the inability of the ovaries to expel eggs.
3 Menstrual disorders Unstable estrogen can cause delayed or early ovulation, thus affecting the normalcy of the entire cycle
4 Infertility Estrogen plays a very important role in the ability to get pregnant and whether the pregnancy is normal.
5 Urinary tract infection Urinary tract infections are often a major problem for women. This is due to the decrease in estrogen, which gives bacteria a higher chance to escape into the bladder.
6 Menopause After menopause, a woman's body does not store any eggs, so no eggs are released, and the ovaries do not produce estrogen and luteinizing hormone.
7 Heart Disease Women are generally less likely to get cardiovascular disease than men, but after menopause, when estrogen becomes less, the chance of getting cardiovascular disease increases greatly.
8 Low sexual desire Lower estrogen can lead to lower libido, vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness, poor clitoral sensitivity, weight gain, unstable temperament, and fatigue.
9 Neurological disorders High levels of estrogen can balance women's movement and emotions, protecting women from injuries caused by impulse
10 Migraine headache Migraine is often accompanied by a decrease in estrogen, so maintaining estrogen levels in women can prevent migraine and other uncomfortable phenomena.

The symptoms of Estrogen deficiency treatment:

  1. track your estrogen levels on a regular and long-term basis

  2. determine that your estrogen levels are decreasing

  3. determine that you have three (or more) symptoms of estrogen deficiency

  4. confirm that the thyroid and pituitary glands are functioning normally

  5. confirm that other hormone and heavy metal levels are within normal limits

  6. improve diet

  7. estrogen supplementation

  8. supplementation with luteinizing hormone

  9. Stem cell therapy